About the Sawyer Seminar
The Race, Precarity, and Privilege: Migration in a Global Context Sawyer Seminar is an interdisciplinary collaboration that approaches California, France, and South Korea as paradigmatic sites to consider how post-colonial legacies and white supremacy have shaped migration, citizenship, inclusion, and exclusion, and race and racial ideologies. The persistence of colonial ideologies, structures, and policies are expressed in ongoing debates about belonging, citizenship, and nationalism and in the racialization of national and state borders and boundaries. Their effects are also manifest in an array of contemporary cultural forms, ranging from radio to film and from art, dance, and music to social media. The seminar also considers the roles of media and art in reinforcing and contesting these various ideologies and debates. Our collaboration converges around these questions:
How do the legacies of colonialism, transatlantic slave trade, and European settlement continue to inform and shape patterns of global migration?
How do these legacies shape the voluntary and involuntary flow of peoples across and within regions, during a period in which white nationalism and white supremacy are re-emerging in Western democracies in Europe and North America?
How are media, art, and culture interwoven with these processes?
For more information on the this Mellon Sawyer Seminar, click here!
Race, Precarity, and Privilege: Migration in a Global Context is a 2021-2022 Mellon Sawyer Seminar funded by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.