Immigrant-origin youth, family-school relationships, educational policy and evaluation, qualitative research methods, school choice, college access, educational equity
Carolyn Sattin-Bajaj is an Associate Professor in the Department of Education at the Gevirtz Graduate School of Education. Her research focuses on issues of educational access and equity for immigrant-origin youth and other historically underserved student populations. Her work includes exploratory qualitative studies of immigrant and homeless families’ school choice behaviors; experimental research to develop and test interventions to reduce educational inequities; and studies of school leaders’ responses to xenophobia in schools and society and their sense of preparedness to address the consequences of immigration enforcement and racism for their school communities.
Professor Sattin-Bajaj is author of Unaccompanied Minors: Immigrant Youth, School Choice, and the Pursuit of Equity (Harvard Education Press, 2014), Matching Students to Opportunity: Expanding College Choice, Access and Quality (co-editor with Andrew Kelly and Jessica Howell, Harvard Education Press, 2016), and Educating the Whole Child for the Whole World: The Ross School Model and Education for the Global Era (co-editor with Marcelo M. Suárez-Orozco, New York University Press, 2010).
Select Publications
Kirksey, J. Jacob, Sattin-Bajaj, Carolyn, Gottfried, Michael, Freeman, Jennifer, & Ozuna, Christopher. (2020). Deportations near the schoolyard: Examining immigration enforcement and racial/ethnic gaps in educational outcomes. AERA Open 6(1), 1-18.
Sattin-Bajaj, Carolyn & Kirksey, Jacob. (2019). Schools as sanctuaries? Examining the relationship between immigration enforcement and absenteeism rates for immigrant-origin children. In M. A. Gottfried & E. L. Hutt (eds.), Absent from school: Understanding and addressing student absenteeism. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Education
Sattin-Bajaj, Carolyn, Jennings, Jennifer L., Corcoran, Sean P., Baker-Smith, Christy, & Hailey, Chantal. (2018). Surviving at the street-level: How counselors’ implementation of school choice policy shapes students’ high school destinations. Sociology of Education, 91(1), 46-71.